Britain’s new prime minister, Liz Truss, is showing the way to a brighter energy future by ending her nation’s ban on fracking. In a break from prevailing orthodoxy, she wants to encourage—not discourage—the production of oil and gas.
This episode of What’s Ahead makes the case for why Truss’ move is the beginning of a break in the two decades’-old, ill-conceived, headlong, hugely expensive and counterproductive rush to windmills and solar panels. Amazingly, no one did their homework to figure out what was involved in replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy sources. Nor did they factor in what would happen if the sun didn’t shine or the wind didn’t blow.
The physics of replacing hydrocarbons with alternate energy sources just doesn’t work, big time. Moreover, the global demand for energy will be skyrocketing. One big reason: high tech. The global cloud alone uses twice as much energy as does the entire nation of Japan.
Renewables are additive to world energy supplies; they are not a replacement for fossil fuels.