It’s suddenly the most exciting time in clean energy and sustainability investing in years. A day that many in the industry had given up on ever arriving finally has, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (”InfRA 22”), and its $369B dedicated to promoting climate solutions. Massachusetts also passed its own landmark climate law. And earlier this week, California regulators approved a ban on all gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
This is clearly a major inflection point for clean energy markets, creating even more of a tailwind for these fast-growing industries, as nothing of this magnitude has ever happened before in U.S. climate policy. However, while it’s unprecedented in scale, we’ve seen this movie before. Amidst all the understandable excitement, those of us who’ve been through the mid-2000s hype cycle and the more recent 2021 clean energy investing frenzy know to expect a few things to definitely happen now:
Many big-named venture capital and private equity firms will become long-time climate investors overnight
Back in the mid-2000s when it looked like major climate legislation was going to pass, I can easily remember being in rooms full of VCs from major generalist venture firms, all talking excitedly about how they were going to utilize the coming wave of government and market support to revolutionize the world. I remember even as a very junior investor getting calls from managing partners at some of the biggest venture firms in the world, asking me to send them deals that were too big for my little firm. I remember how many high-profile venture capitalists were declaring that greentech was going to be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Never wrong, but often early.
This will likely now happen again, and is generally a good thing. Bringing the minds and the funds of the smartest venture investors (and this time around, also private equity more broadly) to our sector will result in some big wins. Both for their backers and for the economy as a whole. And most of these new entrants will eagerly start collaborating with experienced sector specialists, leading to some really promising opportunities getting an order of magnitude more capital and visibility than they would otherwise. This is all great.
However, if past history is a guide, it will also likely result in some hubris-driven investing and claims of expertise that will be a bit. Grandiose. It should be amusing to watch.
Some very exciting but slow-moving opportunities will be rapidly over-invested
Everyone loves the idea of investing into something world-changing. Venture capital and retail investors in particular love stories about revolutionary technology innovations.
Some sectors of clean technology have the potential for such revolutionary change, but have historically moved quite slowly. Just as a few examples, we can look at hydrogen for transportation, advanced nuclear power generation, and carbon capture and storage. In many such cases the question of speed of adoption is not just a matter of how quickly the technological innovation itself can be developed, commercialized, and proven. It’s also a matter of market acceptance given entrenched incumbent infrastructure, long project development cycles, regulatory hurdles, and market design.
Maybe this time will be different (famous last words). Nevertheless, historically innovation sectors with such revolutionary potential but requiring major capital and significant development time tend to get over-capitalized before they are ready, when things get hyped up. Since we’re entering a period where things like this will get hyped up, expect to see some amazing stories of massive investment rounds into world-changing technologies… years ahead of any actual revenues.
Just remember, this is still a very good thing. The failures of yesterday quite often lead to the eventual breakthroughs of tomorrow, especially in energy and transportation markets. But timing those breakthroughs can be a real challenge for investors. And also for the companies that take in a ton of capital at the frothy peak of excitement, spend a lot of money, still don’t achieve revenues before needing to raise more money, and then fall prey to the trough of disillusionment.
There will be greenwash
Whenever investor excitement peaks around sustainability and clean energy, we see a lot of good ideas finally get the funding they’ve needed. But we also always see overly-aggressive claims about how sustainable a new solution really is, because the entrepreneurs raising capital will need to make that argument to tap into that excitement. So, for instance, we already see lots of claims around cryptocurrencies being helpful for clean energy, some of which has some merit, and much of which doesn’t (at least, not yet).
Many investors like myself believe that it’s important to back solutions and companies that are legitimately on the right side of climate and sustainability trends. If you believe that over time the regulatory and economic burden on climate-unfriendly business practices will rise, then at very least you want to avoid those soon-to-be-disadvantaged companies that are pursuing such practices, no matter how successful their greenwash may appear in the near term.
A key concept investors should keep in mind is “additionality”. This is mostly used today in a carbon offset context, but has broader applicability. “Are there environmental benefits that would not happen without this innovation?” This is one question to ask. But also: “Does this innovation encourage climate-unfriendly activity that will have a greater, negative effect than the direct environmental benefits?”
As an example, early in my investing career I was offered an opportunity to invest into a new, more energy-efficient oil derrick design. …We passed.
The wave of IPOs and acquisitions will be ready as soon as Wall Street settles down
There was clearly already a lot of pent-up public equities investor interest in clean energy and clean transportation even before Clean Energy Christmas arrived. Just witness the excitement and investor activity in 2021 around SPACs for climate solutions.
What’s less known but perhaps even more important is that this wave of investor interest, by opening up an avenue for IPOs of promising companies (whether they were ready for the IPO or not is a separate question…), also prompted a lot of M&A activity that continues through to today.
There is something like $300 billion in “dry powder” already sitting in private infrastructure funds, and even last year many of these investors were starting to move upstream into acquiring developers of sustainability projects as a way to capture project dealflow. On the corporate side, before the economic downturn many large industry incumbents were starting to get more active in acquiring companies that they otherwise would have waited longer to chase after.
The looming economic downturn and the bad 1H22 on Wall Street put a damper on all this activity. And as long as financial markets overall remain unsettled, that will probably still be the case.
But as soon as an IPO window opens up, get ready. We’ll likely see another wave of sustainability IPOs and exit activity. Maybe not SPAC-driven this time. But the conditions are now set for public equities investors and corporate acquirers alike to want to jump on board this train before it leaves the station.
It’s going to be an exciting next 12 months for clean energy entrepreneurs, project developers and investors. Enjoy the ride! Just go in with your eyes wide open as well.