It’s no surprise that CBD brands are now on everyone’s mind. Used in a variety of products ranging from cupcakes to face masks and so on, the CBD market is growing every day, and it’s estimated that it will be worth more than $16 billion by 2025.
Despite the growth of the CBD market and increased usage of CBD products, there is one underlying problem that most people are unaware of; most CBD products contain very little, or no CBD after all. This was discovered through an extensive analysis of many CBD products by leading California cannabis testing company, CannaSafe Laboratories.
Results from the analysis revealed that only about 15 percent of the products tested matched what their label claimed. In addition, most of the products contained toxic gases which could be harmful when they’re heated, vaporized or inhaled.
Analysts suggest that the reason for these alarming occurrences can be attributed to the high demand for cannabis products, and in a bid to accelerate production, most brands bypass specific processes and use substandard materials.
CannaSafe CEO Aaron Riley aired his distaste with the results of the test. “I was surprised about the results, and I was shocked to see only 15 percent pass.”
However, with more regulations coming about in regards to what can and cannot be in cannabis products, and also mandating CBD products to be thoroughly tested in accredited labs, there is hope that more companies will have no choice than to abide by the rules.