Target Any of Our High Quality Qualified Investor Email Lists

Including Highly Select Groups of Accredited Investors in the U.S. and Canada

Investors Emails
Qualified U.S. Accredited Investors Total count currently 4 Million Investor Emails
Qualified Canadian Accredited Investors Total count currently 900,000 Investor Emails

Take a Look at these other Investor Email Networks to fit your needs

Investors Emails
Qualified U.S. Penny Stock Investors Total count currently 14 Million Investor Emails
Qualified U.S. Big Board Stock Investors (Shares $5 and up) Total count currently 3 Million Investor Emails
Qualified Canadian Stock Investors (who look at Canadian Stocks Only) Total count currently 4 Million Investor Emails
U.S. R.I.A.s (Registered Investment Agents) Total count currently 1 Million RIA Emails

Rates (on an individual rental basis) are as follows

Investors Emails Rate
Qualified U.S. Accredited Investors 250,000 emails $1,999
Qualified Canadian Accredited Investors 250,000 emails $1,999
Qualfied U.S. Penny Stock Investors 1 million emails $1,750
Qualified U.S. Big Board Stock Investors 1 million emails $1,750
Qualified Canadian Stock Investors 1 million emails $1,750
U.S. R.I.A.s 1 million emails $1,500
For further pricing and more information please contact David Donlin at 407-490-6635 or